I don’t know what’s more painful, getting hurt or hurting others. Every one of us, at least once in our lives, has experienced our soul getting torn apart beyond repair. When we get hurt by the people we love the most, the pain is unbelievable. The pain is the same when we hurt the ones we love the most too.

Sometimes when we hurt others, we know exactly how they feel but we may have no choice but to keep hurting them over and over again. We will know exactly how to hurt them and do it anyway, knowing that it is terribly wrong to do so. We will no longer try to give explanations for our actions since we know that no one is ever going to understand our side. The world is supposed to be just and therefore the people are extremely polarised. They only sympathise with the hurt ones, not with the ones who are hurting them. We will accept the blame and will be prepared to face the inevitable doom cursed upon us by everyone around us. We will no longer try to make up for what we have done since it will only make things worse.

We ignore, show anger, and walk with an air of arrogance, all the while being killed inside by guilt. We know that this is going to hurt them more and more but we may only have good intentions for them in our hearts. When we see their tear-stained faces we will start hating ourselves.

We can’t show our tears, even when we are drowning in them. No, tears can’t be shown. They are meaningless, they are meant to be meaningless. When everyone calls us selfish, we have no choice but to smile and accept the role. When the world wants us to be evil, we will become one. We feel alone, fight alone and alone is always better.

We may hurt our family or friends or the ones who love us or the ones we love. They get hurt and they are heartbroken but what they fail to see is that we are not happy either. We are hurt more by hurting them but no one is going to know. After all, how can someone feel the heart of the heartless?

They may demand an alternate way but we cannot come up with one. It’s all a matter of choice but we have none!



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